Voting Information


You have the right to:

  1. Verify that you are registered to vote. Call your local elections office to make sure there are no problems with your registration. You can reach the office at 1-866-IN1-VOTE (461-8683) or check here.
  2. Vote early. Any registered voter may vote early in person. See voting information for the dates and times of early voting.
  3. Vote absentee. You may vote absentee if you will be absent from the county on Election Day, are scheduled to work during the entire 12 hours that the polls are open, or several other reasons. For a list of other absentee ballot qualifications please visit. See voting information for the dates related to absentee voting.
  4. Vote in a safe and non-intimidating environment. Call 1-800-311-VOTE(8683) to report any discrepancies, problems, or issues at the polls.
  5. Vote at accessible and properly equipped polling places. The Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA) requires at least one accessible voting machine be placed in each polling place in addition to making the facility physically accessible. Call 866-IN1-VOTE or 800-622-4845 to report a polling place does not meet this requirement.
  6. Vote in person on Election Day. Polls are open 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Election Day. Kosciusko County is a Vote Center County. You can vote at any of the 21 Vote Centers listed here or call -866-IN-1-VOTE. A government issued ID must be presented on Election Day. The ID must: (1) be issued by Indiana or the US government; (2) display your name in a manner that conforms to your voter registration record; (3) displays your photo; and (4) display an expiration date that is current or expired after November 8, 2022.
  7. Request assistance at the polls if needed. You may be assisted in the voting booth only if you have a disability (permanent or temporary) or are unable to read or write the English language. A request for assistance must be made before entering the voting booth. The voter may designate anyone as an assistant.
  8. Ask for a new ballot
  9. Take a marked sample ballot with you into the voting booth
  10. Vote if you are in line when polls close at 6 p.m.

For more information contact:

Federal law guarantees your right to cast a ballot even if someone says you are not eligible. If you are qualified to vote and registered in the jurisdiction, do not leave the polling place without at least voting a provisional ballot.

Paid For And Authorized By The Kosciusko County Democrats