Tag: Voting
Voter Fraud in Texas
For The People Act
Get involved, email, call or Resistbot ( text 50409, Senate) Senators Young and Braun need to hear from all their constituents!

This U.S. Election Could Be the Most Secure Yet. Here’s Why. | 2020 Elections
Alyssa Symongkhon on voting for the first time!
Alyssa Symongkhon on voting for the first time!
Posted by Warsaw Area Voters on Saturday, August 22, 2020
Trump’s People Vote By Mail

Get Ready to Vote by Mail
The Indiana Election Division is permitting ANY registered voter to vote Absentee by Mail for any reason! No need to select a reason on the ABS Application for the 2020 Primary.
Contact the Clerk’s office at 574-372-2332, option #1, to receive an application for an absentee ballot or select the following link:
https://www.in.gov/sos/elections/files/ABS-Mail Primary 2020 (Spanish) Form 56929.pdf
Mail, email, or FAX the completed application to:
Kosciusko Co. Circuit Court Clerk
121 N. Lake Street, D162
Warsaw, IN 46580-2788
FAX: 574-372-2338
Email: absentee@kcgov.com
DEADLINE to turn in your application is now THURSDAY, MAY 21st, 2020!
Make sure that you check the box for DEMOCRATIC PARTY and sign!
Check your voter registration at IndianaVoters.com
Vote for a Tree!