Instead of a wasteful military parade…

Instead of a wasteful military parade, we would rather:

✔️ Open more health clinics
✔️ Repair some infrastructure
✔️ Subsidize college debt
✔️ Build some new schools
✔️ Help repair Puerto Rico’s power grid
✔️ Offset Legionnaires treatment from Flint water
✔️ Help hire more teachers
✔️ Pay for more firefighting equipment
✔️ Train our paramedics/first responders
✔️ Upgrade forest service equipment
✔️ Secure our elections
✔️ Provide better mental health treatment for our Veterans
✔️ Help fund childcare for the poor
✔️ Increase the reach of GED programs
✔️ Train more people for technical jobs in demand
✔️ Increase vision screenings for Seniors
✔️ Provide addiction counseling
✔️ Help fund homeless programs

Paid For And Authorized By The Kosciusko County Democrats