Who is on the wrong side of history, Curt?

Who is on the wrong side of history, Curt?
Dec 13th is the last day before the FCC votes on Net Neutrality. We must call! We must take action! We must defend Net Neutrality! Here’s a sample script to use when calling:
Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a concerned customer from [CITY].
[IF FCC]: I’m calling to express my disapproval that the FCC is trying to kill net neutrality and the strong Title II oversight of Internet Service Providers. Preserving an open internet is crucial for fair and equal access to the resources and information available on it.
[IF CONGRESS]: I’m calling to express my support for Net Neutrality and a fair and open Internet. I ask that [Senator’s or Rep’s Name] contact FCC Chairman Ajit Pai and demand he abandon his plan to overturn Net Neutrality and Title II oversight. It is time for Congress to take a stand and urge Chairman Pai to cancel the vote in December.
Thank you for your time and attention.
[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]
Click here…
The Kosciusko County Democrats will be holding a rally downtown, on the south sidewalk (facing City Hall) Wednesday evening (December 6th) at 6:30 pm. We will be voicing our opposition to tax legislation that recently passed the House and Senate.
This legislation will widen the gap between rich & poor, add $1.5 TRILLION dollars to the national debt, potentially cut $25 BILLION dollars from Medicare NEXT YEAR, and also leave graduate students with a hefty tax increase as their tuition waivers (much like a scholarship), will now be considered taxable income. Furthermore, as analysis from the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office shows, all Americans who earn less than $75,000 will be paying higher taxes by the year 2027.
Additionally, we feel this legislation, if enacted, will harm the local economy by jeopardizing the highly educated workforce our orthopedic firms depend on. If the GOP plan to tax graduate students becomes law, there will be fewer engineers and/or bio-science students available to work at Zimmer/Biomet, DePuy, and a host of other smaller local orthopedic firms. Our seniors have paid into Medicare all of their lives and it’s despicable that the GOP is prepared to pull the rug out from under them right as their about to claim their benefits, in order to give the Koch Brothers a hefty tax cut.
Kosciusko County Courthouse
121 N Lake St, Warsaw, IN 46580
A big thanks goes out to KC Dems Secretary Jama Brown for putting together this inspirational video!