Buy your ticket for “Salute to Service” Dinner

The Kosciusko County Democrats Invite You To Join Us For Our 2018 “A Salute To Service” Dinner!

On behalf of the Kosciusko County Democrats, I would like to invite you to join us Saturday, September 22nd, at 6 PM at the Taharra Room of Noa Noa for the 2018 “A Salute to Service” Dinner!

RSVP Today! We proudly welcome Secretary of State Candidate Jim Harper, State Treasurer Candidate John Aguilera, and the next Congresswoman from the 3rd Congressional District Courtney Tritch! These phenomenal leaders will speak about how we will make voting easier, healthcare more affordable, and how to ensure taxpayer dollars are being spent efficiently.

We will also hear from a variety of local candidates about their vision for a stronger Kosciusko County.

Individual tickets are $50 each ($20 for children under 18), and we have many different sponsorship packages available! If you purchase a “Tidal Wave Surfer” max sponsorship, you will receive 4 tickets, your name displayed prominently on our welcome program, and a 1.5 foot tall hand crafted miniature surfboard to ride the blue wave! A “Rip Current Rider” sponsorship will earn you 2 tickets and your name will also be prominently displayed on the welcome materials. Can’t attend, but would like to support the Kosciusko County Democrats? A $100 donation will earn you recognition on the evening program.



Instead of a wasteful military parade…

Instead of a wasteful military parade, we would rather:

✔️ Open more health clinics
✔️ Repair some infrastructure
✔️ Subsidize college debt
✔️ Build some new schools
✔️ Help repair Puerto Rico’s power grid
✔️ Offset Legionnaires treatment from Flint water
✔️ Help hire more teachers
✔️ Pay for more firefighting equipment
✔️ Train our paramedics/first responders
✔️ Upgrade forest service equipment
✔️ Secure our elections
✔️ Provide better mental health treatment for our Veterans
✔️ Help fund childcare for the poor
✔️ Increase the reach of GED programs
✔️ Train more people for technical jobs in demand
✔️ Increase vision screenings for Seniors
✔️ Provide addiction counseling
✔️ Help fund homeless programs

Dee More for District 18 at the Manchester Fun Fest Parade on August 11th

Chad M. Harris, Wabash county Dem chair,- Dee Mari Moore, Dist 18 State Rep Dem candidate,- Brian Joseph Smith, Kosciusko county Dem chair, and Rodney Morrison,one of the toughest guys around, riding “only” 20 miles on his bicycle Saturday so he could join us walking the parade. Manchester Fun Fest parade finds even teens riding on floats. We Democrats walked the entire route, (except for a couple gator breaks) and I must say the ice water helped! We all are still standing! Thanks everyone for a great day. — with Chad M. Harris, Brian Joseph Smith and Rodney Morrison in North Manchester, Indiana.

Wayne Township Candidates at First Friday Warsaw on August 3rd

Enjoyed meeting everyone at First Friday Cruisin’ Hoosiers. Thanks to everyone who stopped by and said hello, and to our friendly neighboring booths Crossroads Community Church and Belle Tire Lori Roe for Wayne Township Advisory Board Laura Deal-Decker Political Candidate Kosciusko County Democrats Oldies 101.1 WIOEShelly Tracy Gilliland

Rock the Issues Rally!

In case you didn’t see last night on Facebook, we are now having a rally on August 15th at the Allen County Courthouse at 5:30. This is the deadline we gave Banks to respond to Courtney’s request to set four debate dates for this fall.

I would love for each of you to be there, and I need you to invite as many people as possible – whether in person or on Facebook. Please share on your individual county pages and on your personal pages. In order for this to be a success, I need each of you to make it a top priority this weekend to drive people to this event.

Let’s show Banks that the people are ready for a change. The link for the rally is below, and your help is truly appreciated.


Thank you,

David R. Myles

Campaign Manager

Tritch for Congress

The Impact of Tariffs on Farm Prices

Soybeans, shown here ready for harvest. The source of much hope and much anger. They have fallen in price around 20% since last spring, before the tariffs. Last spring the 2018 U.S. farm income was estimated to drop to $60 Billion which was half the $120 Billion of 5 years ago. Farmers in 2018 are set to lose money on corn, soybeans and hogs.

Because so many farmers voted for Trump and the mid-term elections are coming soon, the bail-out is to keep his base. It should alienate those not getting a bail out. It will alienate farmers who see after this election is over that the bail out is over too. Once you lose your export markets, good luck with that. Countries want a reliable source for food security.

Trump’s plan uses a 1930’s farm program designed to “stabilize, support, and protect farm income and prices.” The Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) allows the Ag Dept to borrow from the Treasury Department. It’s not rocket science to know we have enough national debt already. But Trump says he will borrow to (1) give direct payments to some farmers, (2) buy surplus crops from other farmers and give to food banks, and (3) develop new markets for export.

I know, I know, farmers are in trouble. We farm. Land prices and rent are high. Inputs (expenses to put out crops) are high and prices are low. Farmers are borrowing against their land for annual operating expenses and going backwards.

But the concentration of U.S. wealth in so few hands, the high stock market, and now the tariffs all mirror 1929. Fiscal responsibility is especially crucial. We don’t need band-aids to patch a problem. We need the trade war to end and tariffs to be removed.

People will rightfully ask why their state or their economic interest is overlooked. Our need for food security is real and is why there never really is a free market of supply and demand for food. Our government wants surpluses to fall back upon for security. It wants cheap food to allow people disposable income for consumerism. Even so, throughout our country too many people are food insecure.

Food security is a global need. Europe has long subsidized its farmers to keep urban sprawl at bay and farmers producing food. If farmers make a living they will not sell off pieces of land to get by. Just this week farmers in France stopped the Tour de France to protest subsidies they deemed too small. Farming and prices are complicated.

Meanwhile as farmers are financially squeezed, large farms overtake smaller ones. Will this bail out stop that trend? That would take a change in policy that favors family farms and caps payments to ensure the big don’t overtake all. That kind of change would take a will not seen in the agricultural industry.


By Dee Moore

Paid For And Authorized By The Kosciusko County Democrats