Lieutenant Governor Nominee Announcement – Myers for Governor

Dr. Woody Myers

May 8 at 10:13 AM · I am excited to announce former Hammond Rep. Linda Lawson as our Lieutenant Governor nominee. Linda was the first woman to ever lead a caucus in the Indiana House when she was chosen as Minority Leader in 2012. She also overcame barriers by becoming the first female police officer on the Hammond Police Department and rising to the rank of captain after a long career serving as a patrol officer and member of the sex crimes and domestic violence units. Linda is an example to all Hoosiers of what can be accomplished with hard work and determination. Indiana needs her intelligence and grit now more than ever and I’m honored she has agreed to be my partner on the ticket.

Kosciusko County Democrats Virtual Meeting

During these dark and uncertain times, we hope that you and your family are healthy and safe. Because of the coronavirus, we will not be able to meet in person for our monthly meeting, however I am pleased to announce that we will be hosting an online virtual meeting! We encourage you to grab some carry out from Mad Anthony’s and join us next Monday, April 13th at 6 pm, on the platform GoToMeeting!

The GoToMeeting App can be downloaded from the Apple and Android app stores for free. If you are unfamiliar with the platform, here is a link to a tutorial.

We ask that you please RSVP using this link, and we will send you a link to the meeting.

We have invited state, local, and Congressional candidates to give an update on their campaigns. Furthermore, we will be discussing the following:

  • Voting options for the June 2nd Primary
  • Indiana Democratic Party State Convention scheduled for June 13th
  • Lake Wawasee Boatride scheduled for July 26th

We hope you can join us online Monday night!

Stay Healthy! Brian J. Smith
Chairman, Kosciusko County Democrats

Get Ready to Vote by Mail

The Indiana Election Division is permitting ANY registered voter to vote Absentee by Mail for any reason! No need to select a reason on the ABS Application for the 2020 Primary.

Contact the Clerk’s office at 574-372-2332, option #1, to receive an application for an absentee ballot or select the following link:;id=2585

or Primary 2020 (Spanish) Form 56929.pdf

Mail, email, or FAX the completed application to:
Kosciusko Co. Circuit Court Clerk
121 N. Lake Street, D162
Warsaw, IN 46580-2788

FAX: 574-372-2338


DEADLINE to turn in your application is now THURSDAY, MAY 21st, 2020!

Make sure that you check the box for DEMOCRATIC PARTY and sign!

Check your voter registration at

Paid For And Authorized By The Kosciusko County Democrats