Author: wcmvcm
May 17th was International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia
“On May 17, Americans and people around the world mark the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia by reaffirming the dignity and inherent worth of all people, regardless of who they love or their gender identity.” – President Obama
Lori Roe for Wayne Township Board!
Please take a moment and welcome to Facebook Wayne Township Advisory Board Candidate Lori Roe!
Rebecca Burton Wins Rising Star Award
Congratulations to Rebecca Burton on being selected for the 3rd Congressional District’s Rising Star award!
Courtney Tritch Canvassing
Thank you to everyone who came out today to spread Courtney Tritch’s message of affordable healthcare, clean energy, and economic development! We spoke with dozens of voters and knocked on close to 100 doors!
Earth Day 2018
Earth Day! It is time for a Statehouse that understands how much we need this planet. Solar incentives are a must. Yes, we plant trees, but one year ago to the day this solar installation went in. The first generation was last May. You can see the Equivalent of Trees Planted in about 11 months, also the CO2 Emission saved. We can do this, but it takes political will. You won’t be getting campaign contributions from Exxon, BP, Coal, etc. Let’s lead in green energy research, development, manufacturing, and implementation. Without a planet, not much else matters.
Elect Benyousky Yard Signs
Good news! Yard signs for Elect Benyousky Trustee are in! If you’re a Wayne Twp resident (Warsaw/Winona Lake) and you would like one, please send an email to! #BForTrustee
Save The Date!
Canvas For Courtney
Join us this Saturday morning to go door-to-door in support of Courtney Tritch! The weather should clear up by Saturday, so please help us share Courtney’s message of affordable healthcare, strong public schools, clean energy, and so much more!