The Kosciusko County Democrats endorsed Courtney Tritch in August of 2017. Since then we’ve marveled at her dedication to the issues we face in our area. Make sure you’re registered to vote! Make sure you vote for Courtney Tritch!
Author: wcmvcm
Please help us spread Shari’s positive message! #BforTrustee
2017 Average CEO Pay: 18.9M
In Honor of Labor Day
JUST RELEASED: In celebration of Labor Day and the working Hoosier families responsible for raising productivity and profits in Indiana, the Indiana Institute for Working Families is pleased to release ‘The Status of Working Families in Indiana, 2018: How to return Indiana to its place as a leader in jobs, wages, and the economy in the Midwest and the U.S.’ The report finds that despite Hoosiers’ hard work, state policy choices are preventing them from being properly rewarded, with key indicators including incomes and rates of working poor families near the bottom of the Midwest, and with trends moving towards the South.
“The data in this report should be a wake-up call to all Hoosiers that Indiana is now a fundamentally different state for working families in 2018 than it was at the beginning of the 21st century,” said Senior Policy Analyst and report author Andrew Bradley. “The average Hoosier now makes less per hour than the average Southerner, with per capita incomes next-to-last in the Midwest even adjusting for cost of living, plus state forecasts that 7 in 10 jobs will be in low-wage occupations by 2026. These aren’t accidents or bad luck, but the results of policy choices that have kept job quality standards low, weakened the safety net, widened income inequality, and put an increasing state tax burden on middle class and working families. But the good news is that Hoosiers will find a way to get the job done if they’re given the right tools. It’s time for Indiana to implement an Agenda for Working Hoosier Families and reclaim its spot as a leader in the Midwest and the U.S.,” Bradley said.
Read the full report:
Buy your ticket for “Salute to Service” Dinner
Bringing Balance to our Community
Instead of a wasteful military parade…
Instead of a wasteful military parade, we would rather:
✔️ Open more health clinics
✔️ Repair some infrastructure
✔️ Subsidize college debt
✔️ Build some new schools
✔️ Help repair Puerto Rico’s power grid
✔️ Offset Legionnaires treatment from Flint water
✔️ Help hire more teachers
✔️ Pay for more firefighting equipment
✔️ Train our paramedics/first responders
✔️ Upgrade forest service equipment
✔️ Secure our elections
✔️ Provide better mental health treatment for our Veterans
✔️ Help fund childcare for the poor
✔️ Increase the reach of GED programs
✔️ Train more people for technical jobs in demand
✔️ Increase vision screenings for Seniors
✔️ Provide addiction counseling
✔️ Help fund homeless programs
Dee More for District 18 at the Manchester Fun Fest Parade on August 11th
Chad M. Harris, Wabash county Dem chair,- Dee Mari Moore, Dist 18 State Rep Dem candidate,- Brian Joseph Smith, Kosciusko county Dem chair, and Rodney Morrison,one of the toughest guys around, riding “only” 20 miles on his bicycle Saturday so he could join us walking the parade. Manchester Fun Fest parade finds even teens riding on floats. We Democrats walked the entire route, (except for a couple gator breaks) and I must say the ice water helped! We all are still standing! Thanks everyone for a great day. — with Chad M. Harris, Brian Joseph Smith and Rodney Morrison in North Manchester, Indiana.
Kosciusko Democrats August Meeting at Mad Anthony’s Warsaw
Another packed house for our August monthly meeting! Big thanks to former Chairman David Kolbe for being our speaker!
Dee Moore for District 18 at Pierceton Days on August 4th
The Pierceton Days Festival Parade enjoyed a perfect evening. You couldn’t have asked for better weather, the entries were amazing, and people were so welcoming as we interacted with the crowds. So many thank yous! What a great turnout! Thanks to Jim Townsend for driving the gator. Thanks Pierceton!