The February meeting at Mad Anthony’s is canceled due to the inclement weather.
Please join us on March 12 for the next meeting.
The February meeting at Mad Anthony’s is canceled due to the inclement weather.
Please join us on March 12 for the next meeting.
Our most heartfelt condolences and sympathies to the family of Mike Repay. 💙C
“To do what nobody else will do, a way that nobody else can do in spite of all we go through; that is to be a NURSE.” – Rawsi Williams
House Republicans-elect look pretty different from House Democrats-elect.
BREAKING: WNIT Public Television will air tonight’s debate for those of us who live in the South Bend media market! Please tune in this evening to hear Courtney Tritch’s positive message of people, not politics! Please share!
The debate is tonight at 7:00! Make sure to tune in to ABC21 WPTA, PBS39, Fort Wayne, or WNIT Public Television. #Switch2Tritch #TeamTritch#FlipIN03
⚖️ Dear potential voter: if you have an ID from the BMV, you’re already in the pool to get called for jury duty. Your voter registration has nothing to do with getting called for jury duty.
🗳️ V-O-T-E! 🗳️
There are only 3 DAYS LEFT to register to vote for the 2018 election!! Click the link below to sign up or to double-check your information, and make your voice heard on November 6. #Switch2Tritch#TeamTritch #FlipIN03
Register: https://