Author: wcmvcm
The numbers do not lie…
23 attempts…ZERO bills moved beyond STEP 1.
isn’t it time for us to hire a representative who will actually represent us?

Please share because EVERYONE deserves to know.
Listen to Kelly for Indiana House District 22 explain why she’d be a more capable State Rep than our current Representative.
Complete statement from Judge Esther Salas after son killed, husband shot
#MaskUp and #FindOut with Laura For Senate!
What is happening to the U.S. Postal Service?

Indiana Latino Democratic Caucus
R.I.P. Joseph Eugene Kernan
“One of the most important ways we change the world is when we look each other in the eye with kindness.”
Joseph Eugene Kernan III April 8, 1946 – July 29, 2020 Indiana Mayor, Governor, former POW and kind human. Rest easy Joe.
Chit Chat with Noemi and Tanya
Sleepy Joe Biden

Trump’s People Vote By Mail