Author: wcmvcm
Rest In Peace, Rep. Lewis #GetInGoodTrouble
Ponce | Coon-Kaufman Website
Woody Myers for Governor!
Wear a mask!
Noemi Ponce for County Council At-Large
Congratulations Lauro! We can’t wait to begin working with you to elect more Young Democrats in Kosciusko County and throughout Northeast Indiana!
Donate to Coon-Kauffman 2020
Itanya Coon-Kauffman for County Council At-Large can now take online contributions! Donate today to ensure she has the resources necessary to be successful this fall!
Paul Edwin Heimbach
My Fellow Democrats:It is with deep sadness that I report that we have had another death in our family. Paul Heimbach was a dedicated Democrat who volunteered on multiple campaigns and worked the polls for us on Election Day. Please keep Paul’s wife Barbara, his daughter Victoria, and the rest of his family in your thoughts and prayers.